It stands to reason that each and every woman on this planet wants to look good, attractive and desirable. However, several circumstances including age, exhaustion or laziness deprive her of that opportunity.

Today’s client was a grandmother who came to regain her former charm and femininity turning to the service of a makeup artist and a stylist. The master was her granddaughter who wanted to see her aged granny in all her glory.
She filmed the whole process and the video immediately went viral on the Internet. The transformation was incredible and resulted in discussions on the web.
As it was the elderly woman’s 70th birthday, it seemed a great idea to transform her putting the main emphasis on her beautiful facial features.
You just must see the precious reaction of the granny when she looked at her reflection in the mirror. She simply couldn’t believe her eyes and felt herself as the prettiest woman on Earth.
Her talented granddaughter decided to make this a family tradition and to help her granny regain her beauty on her each and every birthday.
The transition video received numerous reactions leading the makeup artists to invite elderly people more and more often.
The part she likes most is seeing her clients pleased, satisfied and self-confident.